Alumni Stay Connected!

Join our NMUC alumni member, Stay Connected!

NMUC Alumni

Continue to stay connected and support one another, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. As we practice social distancing, this collection of online resources has been curated to provide our community members information, entertainment, and a way for the college to help you remain connected to one another, during these challenging times.

As our staff members are currently working remotely, rest assured that we remain accessible virtually to all of our community members. We’d love to hear from you, so please be in touch!..


Nmuc Review / Feedback

Netherlands Maritime University College Honest Feedback From our Alumni

Feedback members
Hajar Norsyafiqah Adiyana Binti Abdul Zubir NMUC Alumni

“There is so much more you can achieve when studying at NMUC than just a certificate.”

Feedback members
Nurul Ismaniza Binti Zulkipli NMUC Alumni

“Upon my enrollment in Diploma in Maritime Transportation Management in NMUC I started to develop my passion in Maritime field since day 1 after my registration day.”

Feedback members
Termit Singh A/L Sukde Singh NMUC Alumni

“NMUC has greatly helped me in my journey in the maritime field mainly in shipping terms and documentation.”

Feedback members
Aiman Syamim Bin Roslan NMUC Alumni

“NMUC focuses a lot on conducting presentations in class and the lecturers not only value the students’ ideas but also the way they present.”

Feedback members
Nurul Amirah Binti Azahari NMUC Alumni

“Without a doubt, I definitely gained a lot of knowledge and experiences in many different areas throughout my journey in NMUC.”